by Dr. Herman L. Reid,Jr.
(Pittsburgh,PA United States)
Career Identification/Career assessment
Finding Our Career Understanding Success Now (FOCUS NOW) is a career awareness,career identification and career preparation support system.
Career awareness is a major component of Focus Now. It is a critical informational resource, as well as a major point of departure for career identification and career preparation.
It enables those parents,community leaders,educators and other concerned individuals to expand their career awareness knowledge base. This includes the wide range of post secondary career choices available in today's rapidly changing workforce.
The emphasis is upon skills in demand in the workplace. The post secondary choices include college,business trade and technical school programs.
Armed with this information, the second important component is the career identification process. Here,the emphasis is on the assessment process. Personality and work related interests come together via Holland Codes.
The final phase includes the preparation of a post secondary career plan.